Death by bullet or sun?


The true story behind Hitler’s “suicide”

Did Hitler indeed take his own life in the Berlin bunker or did he escape to Argentina as many claim? If he so did survive the Second World War, he’s most certainly dead by now, in the year of his 120th birthday.

Let’s start by looking at some of the facts of the widely accepted story about Hitler’s death.


The 29th April of 1945 Hitler married Eva Braun, the lady which he had a secret relationship with since 1932. In the same day, before the marriage, Hitler just had heard about Mussolini’s hanging from the prior day and about Heinrich Himmler’s attempts on peace treaties to the Americans. These two events are what has been the explanation for Hitler’s choice about the suicide. The next day it’s said that Hitler first gave his dog cyanide, and then took the doubled amount of poison to himself and his wife, followed by a shot to the head. Hitler’s chauffeur and Hitler’s personal adjutant are supposed to have burned all of the bodies in a pit right outside of the bunker, all in the 30th April of 1945.


Now, let’s look at some of the twisting facts around the event of his death.

To start, eyewitnesses have claimed that Hitler looked much older in his last days compared to weeks earlier. It’s been said that he more looked like an 80 year old man, than the 56 year old man that he was. Take note that it’s been recorded at several different times that Hitler had lots of doubles. It’s really not that impossible as you might think that someone of his doubles would take his place just to take suicide and put on a scam so the real Hitler could escape.

The same thing was actually done by the Allies a couple of years before.
At the southern coast of Italy Axis soldier’s had found the frozen body of a Allied Officer and on him they found top secret plans about a Allied invasion on the southeast side of Italy. The Axis bought the bait of course and put the majority of their troops at the southeast side of Italy and waited in the Allied troops. The Allies on the other hand went to the west side and in the matter of days they had captured Sicily and had the invasion of Italy at victories hand.

That the German’s would copy this is not all unthinkable. For starters it actually existed an operation called “Operation Paperclip”, which smuggled Nazi scientists out of burning Germany to the States or South America. It’s rumored that Hitler might have taken part of the operation and fled to Argentina, where he spend his last days in solitude.
It’s also said by some that he cloned himself, went to a Nazi moon base, and left his cloned self in Germany to grow up and become Germany’s new leader. Believe what you like.

But facts still remains that all though Hitler’s body got burned by German officials, there´s lots of photos taken by Russian soldiers at Hitler’s body, in flesh and blood, by a sofa in the bunker, with a bullet wound to the forehead. All though the Soviets sealed up almost all of the records about the event, a couple of known historians was let passage to the bunker to document Hitler’s fate.
Now listen to this. They were all let in at the same time, but none of them seem to written the same sightings. There was one who said he had seen the body of Hitler and his wife in a sofa. Another swore that Hitler was by his own in a corner of his office. Yet another said that there only were blood stains. A forth one said that there was no body, but that he had looked at a burned pit. Despite the forth one’s saying some Russian records say that no burned pit where found around the bunker at the first time they came there.

In 1993 most of the records about the event were released public from KGB. The records showed that all the Russian officials could find at the scene was the burned pit with a couple of teeth that matched Hitler’s dental records.

I think most of us know that to burn away everything but the teeth of a human being requires some severe intense heat. Heat which you probably can’t reach in an open dirt pit using nothing but gas for the burning. I also think that most of us relies how easy it should be for a leader of a country to change his dental records in pursuit for a successful escape.

Why all these lies I ask? If he so did die in the bunker by suicide, why do it exist so many different records? The truth people! The truth is all I demand.

But hey! On the other hand, as I said earlier, this year is the year of his 120th birthday. Whether he did die in the bunker or in some warm country in a fancy retirement home, he’s most probably dead by now and if there’s an actual truth behind it, we’ll probably never know, and the people that finally will know the truth behind his fate, won’t probably care.

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